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USA Revenue Sharing Agreement with Distributor / Franchisor
USA suppliers, enter into a revenue sharing arrangement with a distributor (franchisor) for sales of products with this template Revenue Sharping Agreement.
- The distributor is a franchisor who will distribute the revenue sharing products to franchisees who agree to participate.
- The shared revenue paid to the supplier on each product will be a set price per unit sold by. A portion of the upfront price of the products will be deducted from the supplier's share of revenues before remittance.
- The distributor will not sell off any products until the expiration of each revenue sharing period. The distributor also agrees not to sell products to wholesalers or jobbers, other than distressed products.
- In lieu of specific marketing support, the distributor will accrue marketing support funds calculated as a percentage of the qualified sale price on revenue sharing products.
- The supplier has the right to audit the distributor's records and those of its participating franchisees, to a maximum number of audits per year.
- The parties mutually indemnify and hold each other harmless.
Download: USA Revenue Sharing Agreement with Distributor / Franchisor
Related Forms:
- USA Franchise Agreement for Sports Team
- USA Franchise Assignment Agreement
- USA Franchise Disclosure Document
- USA Sublease Agreement for Unit Franchise
- USA Unit Franchise Agreement
Related Categories:
- Downloadable Legal Forms > Franchise Forms > United States
- Downloadable Legal Forms > Distributors, Dealers and Agents > United States
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