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Canada Commercial Net Lease for Land and Buildings
Lease a commercial building and adjoined land in Canada to a business tenant with this comprehensive Canada Commercial Net Lease for Land and Buildings.
- The lease is for the land and buildings already on the location, or to be constructed at a later date, which are solely at the risk of the tenant.
- This is a net lease, and the tenant is responsible for paying all taxes, charges, rates, expenses, and outgoings related to the premises.
- The tenant must maintain comprehensive liability insurance, all risks physical damage insurance, boiler and pressure vessel and machinery breakdown insurance, in forms and amounts satisfactory to the landlord.
- The tenant shall not request local improvements from the municipality without the landlord's consent.
- The tenant grants the landlord a security interest over all of its present and after acquired personal property, as collateral security for its performance of its obligations under the lease.
- The landlord is not required to maintain, repair or rebuild the leased premises if they are damaged or destroyed.
- Provisions for arbitration of disputes.
Download: Canada Commercial Net Lease for Land and Buildings
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