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Canada Restaurant Lease
Canadian commercial landlords, lease a restaurant premises to a tenant with this Canada Restaurant Lease template.
- This is a triple net lease, and the tenant pays all taxes, charges and assessments on the premises, all operating costs, all utilities and services to the premises.
- This lease is for a restaurant which shares parking with other businesses, such as in a mall or other premises with a common parking lot.
- The tenant indemnifies the landlord against any claims arising from the tenant's use and occupation of the space.
- The premises are to be used for the purposes of a restaurant only. This lease can be used for a dine-in or take-out and delivery restaurant. The tenant will have the exclusive right during the lease term to sell specific food items in the building / mall.
- The tenant is required to carry comprehensive general liability insurance, all risk insurance, boiler and machinery insurance (if applicable), and business interruption insurance.
- If the tenant becomes bankrupt or insolvent, or if a receiver is appointed, the current month's rent and the next 3 months' rent will become immediately payable, and the landlord has the right to recover possession of the premises.
- The parties agree to binding arbitration in the event of a dispute.
Download: Canada Restaurant Lease
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