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China Office Building Pre-Lease Contract
Obtain a lease commitment for a commercial office building in Beijing prior to its being available for occupancy with this Office Building Pre-Lease Contract.
- The owner of the office building warrants that the building will be free of existing mortgages or potential legal claims.
- Prior to fitting up the building or installing equipment, lighting or advertising that can be seen from outside, the tenant must provide its construction or installation plans to the property manager for approval.
- Upon termination of the Contract, the owner has the right, at its option, to ask the tenant to remove all of its fitting up, alterations and installations from the building.
- The tenant has a pre-emptive right to renew its lease at the end of the term, and to purchase the building in the event that the owner intends to sell.
- The owner is responsible for providing the electricity, coal gas, water and sewage facilities to the building, and the tenant is responsible for paying for the delivery of these services.
- The owner is responsible for the costs of repairing any damage to structural elements, drainage pipes, pipelines, power cables, etc.
- The Contract includes a Pre-Sale Agreement between the parties, setting out the terms under which the tenant would purchase the building from the owner.
- The Contract is in accordance with the Contract Law of the People's Republic of China and the Building Regulations.
Download: China Office Building Pre-Lease Contract
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- China Commercial Lease Contract for Beijing Premises
- China Commercial Lease Contract in Favor of Tenant
- China Land Lease Agreement
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- China Short Term Commercial Lease
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