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DC Commercial Lease Agreement
Lease space to a business tenant in DC with this comprehensive District of Columbia Commercial Lease Agreement.
- The standard form agreement can be used to lease office or retail space.
- The tenant has an option to renew the lease at the end of the term.
- Optional clauses for payment of the property taxes by either the landlord or the tenant, as agreed to between the parties.
- The tenant is responsible for carrying comprehensive public liability, fire and extended coverage insurance.
- Optional clauses included if (i) the landlord is responsible for mechanical and structural repairs, and (ii) if the tenant is responsible for all repairs.
- Parking areas are for use by all tenants, employees and customers.
- Procedures in the event of damage, destruction, or condemnation of the building.
- The tenant accepts the lease subordinate to any mortgage or other lien against the property.
- The tenant must provide an estoppel certificate on request by the landlord.
- If the tenant holds over in the premises after the end of the term, the lease reverts to month to month.
Download: DC Commercial Lease Agreement
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