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Nova Scotia Commercial Net Lease Agreement
Lease office or retail space in Nova Scotia to a tenant with this comprehensive Commercial Net Lease Agreement.
- This Lease is net to the landlord, and the tenant is responsible for paying all taxes, charges and assessments levied against the premises.
- The tenant indemnifies the landlord against loss or damage.
- The tenant must obtain and carry adequate insurance throughout the term of the lease. The landlord has the right to demand additional insurance with a substantial damage clause.
- Acceleration of rent upon the bankruptcy, liquidation, or receivership of the tenant.
- The tenant has the right to remove its fixtures and chattels at the end of the lease.
- The tenant remains liable for its obligations under the lease even if the lease is transferred or assigned, or if the premises are sublet to a subtenant.
- The tenant has the option to renew the lease for one additional renewal period.
- If the lease is not renewed and the tenant remains in possession of the premises after the end of the term, the tenancy becomes month to month at twice the rental rate.
Download: Nova Scotia Commercial Net Lease Agreement
Related Forms:
- Nova Scotia Commercial Triple Net Lease Agreement
- Nova Scotia Offer to Lease Commercial Premises
- Nova Scotia Standard Form Commercial Lease
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