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Oklahoma Commercial Triple Net Lease Agreement
OK business landlords, lease a commercial building to a tenant with this Oklahoma Commercial Triple Net Lease Agreement.
- The lease is a triple net lease (carefree to the landlord). The tenant must pay for everything to do with the premises including improvements, maintenance and repairs (including structural repairs).
- The lease contains a renewal option for one additional term.
- The tenant will pay all expenses, taxes, and levies charged to the premises, except for the landlord's income taxes.
- The tenant is responsible for carrying adequate fire and extended coverage insurance.
- Provisions for abatement of rent or termination of the lease if the building is substantially damaged or destroyed, or if it is condemned.
- The tenant will supply an estoppel certificate upon request from the landlord.
- This is a reusable legal form. Buy, download, customize for your needs - use it as often as you require.
Download: Oklahoma Commercial Triple Net Lease Agreement
Related Forms:
- Oklahoma Commercial Lease Agreement
- Oklahoma Commercial Sublease Agreement
- Oklahoma Lease Proposal for a Commercial Premises
- Oklahoma Renewal and Extension of Commercial Lease
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